Wednesday, May 20, 2015

It has been such a long time since we have visited out Blog. Everyone is so busy these days politicing, getting divorced, dropping dead and all that good stuff. We vultures are just kind of hanging around to see what happens next.

Let us hear from someone--comments, questions for why we keep this nest, anything gauche. We do have to check into home base once in awhile, but cleaning up the world keeps us super busy. Hang in there, and don't forget to check out Velma: the Story of a Little Girl Vulture  on Amazon.

Later, alligators.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Vultures go on Vacations??

In about 2 months it will be the time when Vultures have fun. After all, they have to keep to their business all year, so deserve to have some fun. Halloween is on Saturday night, so watch out for our guys flying around--especially at the Hard Rock in Las Vegas. Lots of beautiful boys and girls to chase. Don't take my word for it. See it for yourself! HeadVulturess

Friday, May 30, 2014

Hello fellow vultures. We have been chastised for not being more communicative. It's hard when you have to fly all day looking for carcasses. (?) As you know, we don't have voices! You didn't know? That's why we hissssssss!

Incidentally, if you would like to get a nice little book for your children about Vultures, go to Amazon book section and download the story about Velma Vulture: the Story of a Little Girl Vulture. It's only 99 cents! Then let us know how you and your children like it.

Sunday, January 26, 2014


The vultures aren't talking here I found out--they seems to be congregating at their website for the time being. Please go to and converse with them and other fellow vultureites. Sign up there and we'll try to get message replies out to you or answer any vulture related questions FASTER in the future. Thanks fearless fellow flappers.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

It's about time the vultures speak up. Their home has been neglected. their opinions have been ignored and must be updated--all in all, the vultures have been dormant. They needed a rest, but are not going to vegetate--besides, they are hungry for solid food.

Follow up with us in a short while and see where the vultures have been. Inquiring birds want to know.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

How are all the Vultures? Ready for 2013? They have some new friends flying in from Egypt for a visit. They have been busy cleaning up bodies over there and need a short vacation. Please make them feel welcome!
Head Vulturess.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Attention all Vultures

Please send messages to We have to keep in touch. Food is scarce. Communicate. Thank you,